Consider an example that sends temperature and humidity to a warehouse every 5 minutes.
Required materials:
Device adding and setting:
Firmware Arduino:
#define TINY_GSM_MODEM_SIM800 #include <TinyGsmClient.h> #include <ArduinoHttpClient.h> #include <Wire.h> #include "Adafruit_SHT31.h" // #define SerialMon Serial // Use physical Serial port for Mega, Leonardo, Micro #define SerialAT Serial1 // or software Serial for Uno, Nano //#include //SoftwareSerial SerialAT(2, 3); // RX, TX Adafruit_SHT31 sht31 = Adafruit_SHT31(); // GPRS access point settings const char apn[] = "YourAPN"; const char user[] = ""; const char pass[] = ""; //VizIoT Device access key and password (can be found in the device settings) String VizIoT_Device_key = "................"; String VizIoT_Device_pass = "...................."; //Server address and port const char server[] = ""; const int port = 48656; TinyGsm modem(SerialAT); TinyGsmClient client(modem); HttpClient http(client, server, port); void setup() { // Set baud rate for Serial Monitor SerialMon.begin(115200); delay(10); // Set baud rate for Serial GSM module SerialAT.begin(115200); delay(3000); SerialMon.println(F("Modem initialization...")); modem.restart(); String modemInfo = modem.getModemInfo(); SerialMon.print(F("Modem: ")); SerialMon.println(modemInfo); Serial.println("Sensor search SHT31-D"); if (! sht31.begin(0x44)) { // specify 0x45 for alternative i2c sensor address Serial.println("I can not find SHT31-D"); } } void loop() { SerialMon.print(F("Waiting for the network...")); if (!modem.waitForNetwork()) { SerialMon.println(" fail"); delay(10000); return; } SerialMon.println(" OK"); SerialMon.print(F("Access point connection ")); SerialMon.print(apn); if (!modem.gprsConnect(apn, user, pass)) { SerialMon.println(" unsuccessfully"); delay(10000); return; } SerialMon.println(" OK"); SerialMon.print(F("sending an HTTP GET request... ")); int err = http.get(getResource().c_str()); if (err != 0) { SerialMon.println(F("Connection error")); delay(10000); return; } http.stop(); SerialMon.println(F("Disconnected from the server")); modem.gprsDisconnect(); SerialMon.println(F("GPRS disconnect")); //Спать 5 минут delay(5 * 60 * 1000); } String getResource() { String resource = String("/update?key=") + VizIoT_Device_key + "&" + "pass=" + VizIoT_Device_pass ; //read data from sensors float t = sht31.readTemperature(); float h = sht31.readHumidity(); //checking the temperature information if (! isnan(t)) { Serial.print("Temperature *C = "); Serial.println(t); resource += String("&tem=") + t; } else { Serial.println("Error reading temperature"); } //checking the humidity information if (! isnan(h)) { Serial.print("Hum. % = "); Serial.println(h); resource += String("&hum=") + h; } else { Serial.println("Error reading humidity"); } return resource; }
Arduino GND-----[10kΩ]---| |--------RX SIM800L Arduino TX------[10kΩ]---|Read more here.
Adding widgets:
Now the setup is complete and you have to wait until your device connected to the server.