Public access

A special section of the site where users place their devices and dashboards in the public domain.

All devices located in this section use public keys that do not allow you to change the data of your devices or provide access to your device. To add a device to the Public devices page, you must first enable Public Access.

Public devices

All devices located in this section use public keys that do not allow you to change the data of your devices or provide access to your device.

For all devices displayed in this list, before displaying information, all confidential information is deleted and information about the owner of the device remains only:

  • name
  • public description
  • public key
  • parameters (key, type, description)
  • date of last connection

To add your device to this page necessary:

  1. go to the access settings of your device
  2. enable sharing
  3. specify a description of your device in it (briefly indicate what kind of device it is and what data it transmits)
  4. check the box "Show in public devices"

Public dashboards

All dashboards located in this section use public keys that do not allow you to change the data of your devices or provide access to your device.

For all dashboards displayed in this list, before displaying information, all confidential information of dashboards is deleted, devices that are associated with the dashboard and information about the owner of the dashboard and devices, only:

  • Dashboards:
    • name
    • public description
    • public key
  • Devices:
    • name
    • public description
    • public key
    • parameters (key, type, description)
    • date of last connection

Caution! When you open public access to the dashboard, you also grant conditionally public access to the devices associated with the dashboard. Conditional public access means that it is impossible to obtain data on all parameters of the device directly, it is possible to obtain data only for those parameters that are used in the dashboard.

To add your dashboard to this page necessary:

  1. go to the dashboard settings;
  2. enable public access;
  3. specify a description of your device in it (briefly indicate what kind of device it is and what data it transmits);
  4. check the box «Show in public dashboards».